Submitting an Order
Generating the proper JSON to submit an order for the first time can seem like a daunting task. For some, the biggest challenge is understanding how to structure a JSON order. For others, the challenge may be learning the meaning of the various JSON order attributes.
This page is intended to clarify all the order attributes for you as well as explain the rules about how to structure a JSON order. This page only describes attributes for submitting an order. Other order attributes like status are populated after order submission and are not described here.
This pag also assumes you are familiar with what an order means in the tastytrade ecosystem. For a primer, you can head to the High-level Concepts: Orders section of our API Overview.
Example Order
To start, take a look at the example multi-leg equity option order below. This order has 2 legs: the first is a 197.5 call that we are buying and the second is a 200 call that we are selling. The strike price is found in the last 8 numeric characters of the symbol, where the first 5 digits are the whole number value (left of the decimal point) and the last 3 digits are the decimal value (right of the decimal point).
Looking at each leg's symbol, we can see that both options have an expiration date of 2023-08-18
Both legs have "Open" in the action, meaning we are opening up new positions.
We have specified a limit price of $1.09 Debit, meaning we won't pay more than $1.09 for this order.
If you submitted this order and it filled, the result would be 2 new positions in your account: a long 2023-08-18 call option with a 197.5 strike and a short 2023-08-18 call option with a 200 strike.
{ // Order Attributes
"time-in-force": "Day", // Order will expire when the market closes
"order-type": "Limit", // Order includes a limit price
"price": "1.09", // Don't pay more than $1.09 for this trade as a whole
"price-effect": "Debit", // Account will be debited for this trade
"legs": [
// Leg Attributes
"action": "Buy to Open", // Opening a new long position
"symbol": "AAPL 230818C00197500", // AAPL Call Option with 197.5 strike price, option expires 2023-08-18
"quantity": 1, // 1 option contract
"instrument-type": "Equity Option", // Equity Option instrument
// Leg Attributes
"action": "Sell to Open", // Opening a new short position
"symbol": "AAPL 230818C00200000", // AAPL Call Option with 200 strike price, option expires 2023-08-18
"quantity": 1, // 1 option contract
"instrument-type": "Equity", // Equity Option instrument
The above order JSON might seem complicated, so let's simplify it a little by breaking the order JSON into 2 parts:
- The Order attributes
- The Leg attributes
Order Attributes
Order attributes are any attributes that apply to the order as a whole. In short, they are any JSON attributes outside the objects in the legs array.
Refer to the table below for the JSON attributes of an order object. Each attribute is explained in further detail in the sections below.
Order Attribute | Required | Type | Meaning |
gtc-date | Only if time-in-force is GTD | Date string (yyyy-mm-dd) | The date at which a GTD order expires |
legs | Yes | Array of leg objects | Refer to the Leg Attributes section below |
order-type | Yes | String | The type of order being submitted |
price | Yes unless order-type is Notional Market | Decimal | The limit price of the order |
price-effect | Yes unless order-type is Notional Market | String | The price's direction in relation to your account (Credit or Debit) |
source | No | String | Designates where the order originated. Value can be any string you want. |
stop-trigger | Only if order-type is Stop or Stop Limit | String | The trigger price of a Stop or Stop Market order |
time-in-force | Yes | String | How long the order will live if not filled or rejected |
value | Only if order-type is Notional Market | Decimal | The dollar amount of an instrument to buy or sell |
value-effect | Only if order-type is Notional Market | String | The direction of the value in relation to your account (Credit or Debit) |
advanced-instructions | No | Json | Detailed instructions about the order |
Order Type
Order type typically affects how the the price/value of an order is defined.
Refer to the table below for each order type and its meaning. Each order type is described in detail in the sections below as well.
Order Type | Meaning |
Limit | Order must have a price and price-effect included in the JSON. |
Market | Order must not have price or price-effect included in the JSON. |
Stop | A market order with a stop-trigger price in the JSON. |
Stop Limit | A limit order with a stop-trigger price in the JSON. |
Notional Market | An order to buy a dollar amount of something rather than a specific quantity |
Limit orders must have a price and price-effect, which is the min/max price you're willing to accept.
Here are the rules for the JSON structure of a Limit order:
- Must include a price and price-effect
Here's an example: If you are buying shares of stock and submit a limit order with a price of $5, you're effectively saying "I won't pay more than $5 per share for 100 shares of AAPL." In a dream world some nice person would sell you those shares for $5 per share. In the real world your order would go live and probably remain live until it expires or you cancel it.
"time-in-force": "Day",
"order-type": "Limit",
"price": 5,
"price-effect": "Debit"
"legs": [
"instrument-type": "Equity",
"symbol": "AAPL",
"quantity": 100,
"action": "Buy to Open"
Market orders don't have a price at all. By submitting a market order, you are basically saying "I want this order filled as quick as possible and I'll accept any price."
Here are the rules for the JSON structure of a Market order:
- Orders must only have 1 leg
- Must not include a price or price-effect
- time-in-force must not be
Opening market orders cannot be submitted while the market is closed.
Please see our help center article on market orders for the pros and cons of market orders.
"time-in-force": "Day",
"order-type": "Market",
"legs": [
"instrument-type": "Equity",
"symbol": "AAPL",
"quantity": 100,
"action": "Buy to Open"
Stop orders are market orders that are triggered when the quote hits a specific price, called a stop-trigger. When the quote hits the stop-trigger, the order becomes a market order.
Here are the rules for the JSON structure of a Stop order:
- Must not include a price or price-effect
- Must include a stop-trigger price
- time-in-force must not be
for opening orders
"Stop" and "Stop Market" are the same concept, but only a value of Stop
is allowed in the JSON.
Please refer to our help center article on stop orders for more information about this order type.
"time-in-force": "GTC",
"order-type": "Stop",
"stop-trigger": 105,
"legs": [
"instrument-type": "Equity",
"symbol": "AAPL",
"quantity": 100,
"action": "Sell to Close"
Stop Limit
Stop limit orders are limit orders that are triggered when the quote hits a specific price, called a stop-trigger. When the quote hits the stop-trigger, the order becomes a limit order.
Here are the rules for the JSON structure of a Stop Limit order:
- Must include a price and price-effect
- Must include a stop-trigger price
Please refer to our help center article on stop orders for more information about this order type.
"time-in-force": "GTC",
"order-type": "Stop",
"stop-trigger": 110,
"price": 115,
"price-effect": "Debit"
"legs": [
"instrument-type": "Equity",
"symbol": "AAPL",
"quantity": 100,
"action": "Buy to Open"
Notional Market
Notional Market means you are buying a dollar amount of an instrument. For example, instead of buying 1 share of AAPL, you could buy $10 of AAPL.
Here are the rules for the JSON structure of a Notional Market order:
- order-type must be
Notional Market
- Orders must only have 1 leg
- Order legs cannot have quantity
- Order must include value and value-effect
- Only cryptocurrency and eligible equity symbols are permitted
Opening Notional Market orders cannot be submitted while the market is closed.
Notional Market orders must only have a single leg and the leg must not include a quantity.
The order must include a value, which is the dollar amount you wish to buy/sell. Along with value, you must also include value-effect. Refer to the value section below for more info.
Notional market orders are allowed for cryptocurrencies and eligible equities. To determine if an equity is eligible, refer to the is-fractional-quantity-eligible
field of the equity instrument's JSON representation. If the value is false, your order will be rejected. See the equities section below for info on fetching an equity instrument.
Below is an example order JSON of buying $10 of AAPL:
"time-in-force": "Day",
"order-type": "Notional Market",
"value": 10,
"value-effect": "Debit",
"legs": [
"instrument-type": "Equity",
"symbol": "AAPL",
"action": "Buy to Open"
The amount of shares you receive depends on the underlying price. If AAPL stock were at $100 right now and you submitted the above order for $10 worth of stock, you'd receive approximately 0.1 shares.
Price and Price Effect
Price only applies to Limit and Stop Limit orders. Submitting a Market, Stop, or Notional Market order with a price is invalid and the request will be rejected.
When you include a price, you must always include a price-effect as well. Think of price effect as the direction the money is flowing in relation to your account. Debit means you are paying money. Credit means you are receiving money. In the example below, we are receiving $175.25 (Credit) to short sell 100 shares of AAPL stock.
Price effect is correlated to leg.action
. If you are buying stock, your leg.action
will be Buy to Open
or Buy to Close
. When buying, the price effect must be a Debit
. Your order will be rejected if you try to buy for a credit. Same applies for selling. You can't sell something for a Debit
"time-in-force": "Day",
"order-type": "Limit",
"price": 175.25,
"price-effect": "Credit",
"legs": [
"instrument-type": "Equity",
"quantity": 100,
"symbol": "AAPL",
"action": "Sell to Open"
Price Effect | Meaning |
Credit | Price will be credited to the customer's account |
Debit | Price will be debited from the customer's account |
Time In Force
Time in force means "How long do I want this order to live before it expires?"
Time In Force | Meaning |
Day | Order will work until filled or the market closes |
GTC | Order will work until filled or the customer cancels |
GTD | Order will work until filled or a given date. Orders must also include gtc-date param for GTD orders |
Day orders (like the one above) will live until either the order fills or the market closes. If a day order does not get filled by the time the market closes, it transitions to expired
Good 'til Canceled orders never expire. They will work until they are either filled or the customer cancels them.
Good 'til Date orders expire on a given date. If you submit a GTD order, you must also include a gtc-date
in the JSON (Yes, calling it gtd-date
would have made more sense - we apologize).
Please refer to our help center article about time in force for more information.
Value and Value Effect
This field only applies to Notional Market orders. It denotes the dollar amount you wish to buy/sell.
value must be accompanied by value-effect, which is identical to price-effect but only applies to Notional Market orders.
Including a price and a value is invalid and the request will be rejected.
Value Effect | Meaning |
Credit | Value will be credited to the customer's account |
Debit | Value will be debited from the customer's account |
Leg Attributes
Leg attributes are specific to their order leg. Each order leg represents an actual instrument (like a stock or an option) with a quantity and a side (action).
All orders must have a minimum of 1 leg.
The maximum number of legs an order can have depends on the instrument type:
Equity, Futures, and Cryptocurrency orders are limited to 1 leg.
Equity Option and Future Option orders can have up to 4 legs.
Refer to the table below for the JSON attributes of a leg object. Each attribute is explained in further detail in the sections below.
Leg Attribute | Required | Type | Meaning |
action | Yes | String | The side you are taking in relation to your positions |
instrument-type | Yes | String | The class of the instrument being traded |
quantity | Yes unless order-type is Notional Market | Decimal | The amount being bought or sold |
symbol | Yes | String | The symbol representing the instrument being traded |
This is the "side" you are taking (buy or sell) combined with an "opening" or "closing" designation.
Action | Meaning |
Buy to Open | Open a long position by buying the instrument. You must not have an existing short position in that instrument. |
Sell to Open | Open a short position by selling the instrument. You must not have an existing long position in that instrument. |
Buy to Close | Close a short position by buying the instrument. You must have an existing short position in that instrument. |
Sell to Close | Close a long position by selling the instrument. You must have an existing long position in that instrument. |
If you don't own any shares of AAPL and want to buy 100 shares, the action would be Buy to Open
with a quantity of 100.
If you don't own any shares of AAPL and want to sell short 100 shares, the action would be Sell to Open
with a quantity of 100.
If you own 100 shares of AAPL and want to close 10 shares, the action would be Sell to Close
with a quantity of 10.
If you own 100 shares of AAPL and want to buy 100 more shares, the action would be Buy to Open
with a quantity of 100.
Buy to Open
and Sell to Open
are opening actions, meaning they result in a new position being added to your account.
Buy to Close
and Sell to Close
are closing actions, meaning they result in an existing position's quantity decreasing.
Advanced Instructions
You should only submit closing orders against existing positions. For convenience, tastytrade will correct the Open/Close for you when you submit a closing order but don't have a corresponding position. For example, if you submit a Buy to Close
order for AAPL but you don't have an AAPL position to close, tastytrade will route the order as Buy to Open
. Likewise submitting a Sell to Close
order when you don't have a position to close will result in a Sell to Open
order being routed.
If you wish to block this behavior, you should submit your order with advanced-instructions
specifying that you want strict-position-effect-validation: true
. For example:
"time-in-force": "Day",
"order-type": "Limit",
"price": 175.25,
"price-effect": "Credit",
"advanced-instructions": {
"strict-position-effect-validation": true
"legs": [
"instrument-type": "Equity",
"quantity": 100,
"symbol": "META",
"action": "Sell to Close"
With strict-position-effect-validation
, the order will be rejected if you don't have an existing position to close.
Instrument Type
Valid instrument types are:
- Cryptocurrency
- Equity
- Equity Option
- Future
- Future Option
This denotes how much you want to buy or sell. For cryptocurrency orders, the quantity can have a decimal value. For equities, equity options, futures, and future options, the quantity must be a whole number (integer).
Here are the rules for including quantity in the order leg JSON:
- Must be a positive number
- Can have a decimal value for cryptocurrencies, otherwise must be a whole number (integer)
- Must not be included if order-type is
Notional Market
If order-type is Notional Market
, quantity must not be included in the JSON. A notional market order means you are buying a dollar amount of something, like "I want $10 of AAPL stock" or "I want $10 of BTC/USD". Instead, you must include a value in the order JSON, which is the dollar amount you wish to buy/sell.
The symbol is the primary identifier of an instrument. Each leg must have its own distinct symbol with no overlap. An order with multiple legs with the same symbol is invalid and the request will be rejected.
If you are trading stocks, you'd just use the ticker symbol (AAPL for Apple, TSLA for Tesla, etc). Symbols for other instruments types like equity options and futures are a little less intuitive and will require you to look up the actual instrument symbols via our API.
Refer to the sections below to learn how to look up a symbol for each type of instrument.
Equity Options
If you want to trade options for a particular stock, the easiest thing to do is fetch the full option chain via the GET /option-chains/{stock_symbol}/nested
endpoint found here. This endpoint returns all of the expirations that tastytrade offers for that given equity symbol. Nested inside each expiration is a list of strikes where each strike has a call
and a put
field, which are the call symbol and the put symbol, respectively. For an example, view the Instruments section of our Api Guide.
The nested
endpoint is nice because it groups the options into their expirations and each expiration lists out the strike price with its associated call and put symbols in a very concise JSON format.
There are a couple other endpoints for fetching option chains: GET /option-chains/{stock_symbol}/compact
lists out all option symbols for a given stock symbol without any expiration grouping. This endpoint might be useful if you already have a good idea of what you're looking to trade and just want a list of every option symbol for an underlying stock.
The last option chain endpoint is GET /option-chains/{stock_symbol}
, which returns a list of equity option instruments for a given symbol. Each equity option is a full data representation, meaning it includes all data fields pertinent to that instrument, such as exercise-style
, expiration-date
, and expiration-type
. As a result, this endpoint returns a lot of data. You would probably be better served by fetching data from the /option-chains/{stock_symbol}/nested
endpoint, locating the symbols you're interested in trading, and then fetching only those instruments directly from the GET /instruments/equity-options endpoint.
Of course, fetching the instruments isn't required for submitting an order. You only need an instruments's symbol to trade. However, the equity option instrument JSON does provide additional data that many will find useful.
Equity Option orders can contain up to 4 legs.
Most of the time you won't need to look up any information for a particular stock. If you know the ticker symbol that you want to trade, you can just plug that into the symbol field of the leg JSON and submit your order.
If you want to view a full JSON representation of an equity instrument, you can either search multiple instruments by symbol or fetch a single isntrument by symbol:
To search for equities by symbol, send a GET /instruments/equities?symbol[]=AAPL&symbol[]=TSLA
. View the docs for this endpoint here.
To fetch a single equity instrument by its symbol, you can hit the GET /instruments/equities/{symbol}
endpoint directly.
The equity instrument JSON includes fields like is-index
, listed-market
, active
, is-fractional-quantity-eligible
, and is-closing-only
Equity orders can contain only 1 leg.
To view all of the active futures contracts we offer, hit the GET /instruments/futures
endpoint. Each item in the list returned is a full JSON representation of a future instrument. The JSON includes fields like symbol
, expiration-date
, expires-at
, and last-trade-date
. You can view the full JSON representation here.
If you are only interested in trading one or two specific futures products, you can filter the results by one or more product-code
like this: GET /instruments/futures?product-code[]=CL&product-code[]=ES
To get a list of all of the future product codes tastytrade supports, hit GET /instruments/future-products
. This endpoint returns a JSON representation of a future product, not its instruments. You can't trade Crude Oil futures (/CL) the same way you trade stock. You must trade a specific futures contract, such as /CLU3
, which is the September 2023 Crude Oil contract.
Futures orders can contain only 1 leg.
Future Options
The process of finding future options symbols is almost identical to the equity options process, but instead of hitting GET /option-chains/{stock_symbol}/nested
, you hit GET /futures-option-chains/{product_code}/nested
. The JSON returned is formatted a little differently than the equity options chains, but the overall idea is the same. Instruments are grouped into expirations, each of which contains a list of strikes with call
and put
fields, representing the call symbol and the put symbol, respectively.
There is also a GET /futures-option-chains/{product_code}
endpoint which returns a list of all future option instruments for a given product code. This endpoint returns a lot of data. You would probably be better served by fetching data from the /futures-option-chains/{product_code}/nested
endpoint and locating the symbols you're interested in trading. If you need more info on the symbols and their respective instruments, you should then fetch those instruments directly from the GET /instruments/futures-options?symbol[]=symbol1&symol[]=symbol2
endpoint documented here.
If you only want to trade a specific future option product, like monthly E-mini S&P 500 options (ES), you can filter your search by that option product code: GET /instruments/future-options?option-root-symbol=ES
To get a list of all the future option product codes that tastytrade supports, hit GET /instruments/future-option-products
. This endpoint returns a JSON representation of a future option product, not its instruments.
A future option product's JSON contains fields like root-symbol
, code
, exchange
, and expiration-type
. You should treat root-symbol as the primary identifier for a product, not code.
Future option orders can contain up to 4 legs.
You can retrieve a list of cryptocurrencies that tastytrade supports via the GET /instruments/cryptocurrencies
endpoint documented here. Each instrument returned contains a symbol field that you should include in the leg JSON.
Cryptocurrency orders can only contain 1 leg.
Order Responses
Order Rejected
Our system runs a number of validations on any order it receives. Any validation errors will result in your order being rejected with a 422
status code and a json payload detailing the reason. For example:
"error": {
"code": "preflight_check_failure",
"message": "One or more preflight checks failed",
"errors": [
"code": "cant_buy_for_credit",
"message": "You cannot buy for a credit."
The above response indicates that you tried to submit a buy order with a "price-effect": "Credit"
, which is not allowed.
Order Accepted
Assuming your order passes all the validations our order system performs, you will receive a response with an order id and a status of Routed
, among other data. We'll provide a description of the response keys below:
buying-power-effect - A json object containing data that details the impact this order will have on your account's buying power.
closing-fee-calculation - An estimation of the fees you may see in the future when you close the position created by this order. This is provided as a convenience and is purely an estimation. The fees are not applied to this order.
fee-calculation - An estimation of the fees you may see as a result of this order being filled. Fees are broken into separate categories and totaled at the end.
order - A json object containing status and tracking details about your order. For an overview of order status flow, head to our Order Flow section. For an overview of tracking and managing your orders, head to our Order Management section.
order.legs.fills - An array of order leg fill details. An order leg can have zero or many fills. For example, if you have a buy order for 100 shares, you could potentially receive 100 fills (1 per share). You could also receive a single fill for 100 shares. Each fill will have a quantity and will affect your positions. For example, a buy order of 100 shares will result in a position with quantity 100 when the order fills. Head to our overview section on orders and positions for more details.
warnings - We return warnings when you do an order dry run via POST /accounts/{account_number}/orders/dry-run
. These are informational warnings. Some may give you a heads up that your order will be rejected if you were to try to route it. Other warnings may indicate that the market is closed and your order will be routed when the market opens up again.
Example Order JSON Requests
The following are examples json bodies for POST /accounts/{account_number}/orders
http requests. You may hit /accounts/{account_number}/orders/dry-run
to validate the order without sending to any venue.
"time-in-force": "Day",
"order-type": "Market",
"legs": [
"instrument-type": "Equity",
"symbol": "AAPL",
"quantity": 1,
"action": "Buy to Open"
"time-in-force": "GTC",
"price": 150.25,
"price-effect": "Credit",
"order-type": "Limit",
"legs": [
"instrument-type": "Equity",
"symbol": "AAPL",
"quantity": 1,
"action": "Sell to Close"
"time-in-force": "Day",
"price": 90.03,
"price-effect": "Credit",
"order-type": "Limit",
"legs": [
"instrument-type": "Future",
"symbol": "/CLZ2",
"quantity": 1,
"action": "Sell to Open"
"time-in-force": "Day",
"price": 0.85,
"price-effect": "Credit",
"order-type": "Limit",
"legs": [
"instrument-type": "Equity Option",
"symbol": "AAPL 221118C00155000",
"quantity": 1,
"action": "Sell to Open"
"instrument-type": "Equity Option",
"symbol": "AAPL 221118C00157500",
"quantity": 1,
"action": "Buy to Open"
"time-in-force": "GTD",
"gtc-date": "2022-12-01",
"price": 0.85,
"price-effect": "Credit",
"order-type": "Limit",
"legs": [
"instrument-type": "Equity",
"symbol": "AAPL",
"quantity": 1,
"action": "Buy to Open"
"time-in-force": "Day",
"price": 150.0,
"price-effect": "Debit",
"stop-trigger": 150.0,
"order-type": "Limit",
"legs": [
"instrument-type": "Equity",
"symbol": "AAPL",
"quantity": 1,
"action": "Buy to Open"
"source": "my-api-code",
"order-type": "Limit",
"time-in-force": "Day",
"price": "1.51",
"price-effect": "Credit",
"legs": [
"instrument-type": "Equity Option",
"symbol": "TSLA 230714P00210000",
"action": "Buy to Open",
"quantity": "1"
"instrument-type": "Equity Option",
"symbol": "TSLA 230714P00215000",
"action": "Sell to Open",
"quantity": "1"
"instrument-type": "Equity Option",
"symbol": "TSLA 230714C00282500",
"action": "Sell to Open",
"quantity": "1"
"instrument-type": "Equity Option",
"symbol": "TSLA 230714C00290000",
"action": "Buy to Open",
"quantity": "1"
"time-in-force": "GTC",
"order-type": "Notional Market",
"value": 10.0,
"value-effect": "Debit",
"legs": [
"instrument-type": "Cryptocurrency",
"symbol": "BTC/USD",
"action": "Buy to Open"
Complex Orders
These orders are submitted to the POST /accounts/{account_number}/complex-orders
Please refer to the help center article here for more information about these types of trades.
Please note that BLAST
orders are deprecated and are not currently supported in any of our environments. Supported complex order types are: OTOCO
, and PAIRS
The following are some example JSON payloads for complex orders. Note that OTOCO orders have a trigger-order
property as well as an orders
property. The trigger order will go live immediately while the other orders will be in Contingent
status until the trigger order fills. Once the trigger order fills, the other orders will be sent.
"type": "OTOCO",
"trigger-order": {
"order-type": "Limit",
"price": 157.97,
"price-effect": "Debit",
"time-in-force": "Day",
"legs": [{
"instrument-type": "Equity",
"symbol": "AAPL",
"action": "Buy to Open",
"quantity": 100
"orders": [
"order-type": "Limit",
"price": 198.68,
"price-effect": "Credit",
"time-in-force": "GTC",
"legs": [{
"symbol": "AAPL",
"instrument-type": "Equity",
"action": "Sell to Close",
"quantity": 100
"order-type": "Stop",
"time-in-force": "GTC",
"stop-trigger": 143.06,
"legs": [{
"symbol": "AAPL",
"instrument-type": "Equity",
"action": "Sell to Close",
"quantity": 100
OCO orders do not have a trigger-order
property. The orders
go live immediately.
"type": "OCO",
"orders": [
"order-type": "Limit",
"price": 198.68,
"price-effect": "Credit",
"time-in-force": "GTC",
"legs": [{
"symbol": "AAPL",
"instrument-type": "Equity",
"action": "Sell to Close",
"quantity": 100
"order-type": "Stop",
"time-in-force": "GTC",
"stop-trigger": 143.06,
"legs": [{
"symbol": "AAPL",
"instrument-type": "Equity",
"action": "Sell to Close",
"quantity": 100
Fractional Stock Orders
tastytrade only supports fractional trading of certain equity products. To determine if an equity can be fractionally traded, fetch the equity instrument and check the is-fractional-quantity-eligible
field. For example: GET /instruments/equities?symbol[]=AAPL
returns "is-fractional-quantity-eligible": true
Fractional orders must have a minimum monetary value of $5. Buy orders for 0.5 shares of a $1 stock will be rejected.
"time-in-force": "Day",
"order-type": "Market",
"legs": [
"instrument-type": "Equity",
"symbol": "AAPL",
"quantity": 0.5,
"action": "Buy to Open"
To buy $10 of AAPL stock, submit a Notional Market
order with a value
instead of a price
. Omit the quantity
field from the legs:
"time-in-force": "Day",
"order-type": "Notional Market",
"value": 10.0,
"value-effect": "Debit",
"legs": [
"instrument-type": "Equity",
"symbol": "AAPL",
"action": "Buy to Open"