Streaming Account Data

  1. Getting Started
  2. Available Actions
  3. Receiving Notifications
  4. Notification Nuances
  5. Hosts
  6. Demo

The tastytrade API utilizes a websocket for publishing one-directional notifications from the API layer to trading client applications. We refer to this one-directional websocket as our "Account Streamer".

In general, we publish Account Streamer notifications about state changes to existing account data such as orders, balances, and positions. We also send notifications about state changes to non-account data such as public watchlists and quote alert triggers.

This allows clients to subscribe to real-time updates rather than polling API endpoints.

As an example, suppose you submit an opening order to buy 100 shares of AAPL. The HTTP response would look like this:

    "data": {
        "order": {
            "id": 1,
            "account-number": "5WT00000",
            "time-in-force": "Day",
            "order-type": "Market",
            "size": 100,
            "underlying-symbol": "AAPL",
            "underlying-instrument-type": "Equity",
            "status": "Routed",
            "cancellable": true,
            "editable": true,
            "edited": false,
            "legs": [
                    "instrument-type": "Equity",
                    "symbol": "AAPL",
                    "quantity": 100,
                    "remaining-quantity": 100,
                    "action": "Buy to Open",
                    "fills": []
    "context": "/accounts/5WT00000/orders"

You'll notice the status is Routed, which means our system is in the process of sending your order to the exchange (for more info on order statuses and their many meanings, see the Order Flow page). Since this is a market order, it probably filled immediately. Let's re-fetch this order via the /GET /accounts/{account_number}/orders/{id} endpoint to verify:

    "data": {
        "id": 1,
        "account-number": "5WT00000",
        "time-in-force": "Day",
        "order-type": "Market",
        "size": 100,
        "underlying-symbol": "AAPL",
        "underlying-instrument-type": "Equity",
        "status": "Filled",
        "cancellable": false,
        "editable": false,
        "edited": false,
        "ext-exchange-order-number": "12345",
        "ext-client-order-id": "67890",
        "ext-global-order-number": 1111,
        "received-at": "2023-07-05T19:07:32.444+00:00",
        "updated-at": 1688584052750,
        "in-flight-at": "2023-07-05T19:07:32.494+00:00",
        "live-at": "2023-07-05T19:07:32.495+00:00",
        "destination-venue": "TEST_A",
        "user-id": 99,
        "username": "coolperson",
        "terminal-at": "2023-07-05T19:07:32.737+00:00",
        "legs": [
                "instrument-type": "Equity",
                "symbol": "AAPL",
                "quantity": 100,
                "remaining-quantity": 0,
                "action": "Buy to Open",
                "fills": [
                        "ext-group-fill-id": "0",
                        "ext-exec-id": "1122",
                        "fill-id": "24_TW::TEST_A47504::20230705.1179-TEST_FILL",
                        "quantity": 100,
                        "fill-price": "100.0",
                        "filled-at": "2023-07-05T19:07:32.496+00:00",
                        "destination-venue": "TEST_A"
    "context": "/accounts/5WT00000/orders/1"

The order is filled! But we had to make an additional HTTP request to fetch the order to check. What if you had an order that hadn't filled yet but instead was Live for a few minutes? Would you need to continuously be making requests to get its status? That seems like a pain! To alleviate this pain, you should utilize the account streamer.

The account streamer publishes real-time messages every time the order's status changes. All you need to do is open a websocket to the correct url (see hosts below) and subscribe to all account updates. As the order's status changes, you'll receive messages via the websocket that look like this:

Order Notification
  type: 'Order',
  data: {
    "id": 1,
    "account-number": "5WT00000",
    "time-in-force": "Day",
    "order-type": "Market",
    "size": 100,
    "underlying-symbol": "AAPL",
    "underlying-instrument-type": "Equity",
    "status": "Live",
    "cancellable": true,
    "editable": true,
    "edited": false,
    "legs": [
            "instrument-type": "Equity",
            "symbol": "AAPL",
            "quantity": 100,
            "remaining-quantity": 100,
            "action": "Buy to Open",
            "fills": []
  timestamp: 1688595114405

Now you don't need to worry about polling or re-fetching your order!

Getting Started

At a high level, the following steps must be performed in order:

  1. Open a websocket connection to the back-end host
  2. Subscribe to notifications
  3. Send heartbeats to back-end host

Note: If you don't perform these actions in the order listed above, you may get a not implemented error when attempting to subscribe to notifications. Please ensure you begin sending heartbeats after you have successfully sent a connect message.

1. Open a Websocket Connection

Open a websocket connection using your langauge of choice. For example, if you are running in a NodeJs environment, you could use the ws package:

Javascript Example
const WebSocket = require('ws')

const host = 'wss://'
const websocket = new WebSocket(host)
websocket.addEventListener('open', () => {
  // Schedule your heartbeat
websocket.addEventListener('message', (messageEvent) => {
  // Parse the message

You need to send an auth-token with every request made to the websocket server. This is your tastytrade session-token string from the POST /sessions response. It's the same value you provide in the Authorization header of all other API requests.

2. Subscribe to Notifications

There are several different types of notifications you can subscribe to. We refer to these types as "actions". You can think of it as subscribing to notifications regarding any actions that occur, such as quote changes, balance changes, watchlist updates, etc. For a complete list of the various actions, see Available Actions below.

Each subscribe message should contain an action, value, and auth-token key, like this:

Subscribe Message Schema
  "action": "<action>", // one of the available actions below
  "value": "<string>", // Optional. Depends on the message action being sent (see available actions below)
  "auth-token": "<string>" // `session-token` value from session creation response

Most of the time you'll want to send a connect message, which subscribes you to account updates for whichever account numbers you provide:

Sample Connect Message
  "action": "connect",
  "value": ["5WT00000","5WT00001"],
  "auth-token": "your session token here",
  "request-id": 2
Connect Response Message
  "status": "ok",
  "action": "connect",
  "web-socket-session-id": "5b6e2799",
  "value": [ "5WT00000", "5WT00001" ],
  "request-id": 2

3. Send heartbeats

Once an active streamer connection has been established, you need to send heartbeat messages to the tastytrade server periodically (15s - 1m interval). This ensures that your websocket remains connected and also lets you detect streamer connection drops.

Sample Heartbeat Json
  "action": "heartbeat",
  "auth-token": "your session token here",
  "request-id": 1

The request-id isn't required, but our servers will include it in their response messages.

Heartbeat Response Message
  "status": "ok",
  "action": "heartbeat",
  "web-socket-session-id": "5b6e2799",
  "request-id": 1

Available Actions


  • Sent periodically to the streamer server to prevent the socket connection from being considered "stale"
  • When sending this message, value is blank
  • Heartbeat messages should be sent at regular intervals (15s-1m)


  • Subscribes to all account-related notifications (orders, account balances, positions)


  • Although this subscribes to public watchlist updates, an auth token is still required
  • When sending this message, value is blank


  • Subscribes to quote alert messages about alerts the user has previously configured via a POST request to the /quote-alerts endpoint
  • When sending this message, value is blank
  • Important note: quote alerts exist at a user level, and not an account level


  • Subscribes to user-level messages like new account created.
  • When sending this message, value is the user's external-id returned in the POST /sessions response.

Receiving Notifications

All messages which are published via the streamer use the same json object representations as elsewhere in the API. Streamer messages always contain a full object representation, not a partial or a differential update.

Each message will have a type key that corresponds to the class of data being provided. For example, a notification with type: Order will have a full order json message in the data key:

Order Notification
  type: 'Order',
  data: {
    "id": 1,
    "account-number": "5WT00000",
    "time-in-force": "Day",
    "order-type": "Market",
    "size": 100,
    "underlying-symbol": "AAPL",
    "underlying-instrument-type": "Equity",
    "status": "Live",
    "cancellable": true,
    "editable": true,
    "edited": false,
    "legs": [
            "instrument-type": "Equity",
            "symbol": "AAPL",
            "quantity": 100,
            "remaining-quantity": 100,
            "action": "Buy to Open",
            "fills": []
  timestamp: 1688595114405


Sandbox : wss://

Production: wss://


We have a demo page where you can subscribe to your sandbox account data. Head here to try it out.